2015-07-31 Ricketts Glen, pictures (very many)
Berkey Creamery icecream! And maybe a Margarita later...
Picknicking by the car. We had great weather, sunny but not too hot, probably because of the cold water and the many trees.
Almost done.
Oops, going up! Another waterfall... There's one behind every tree.
The kids. Miss you, George, you would have loved this!
Ingrid slipped in spite of having good shoes.
Emy resting and Arvid reading, waiting for the others.
The trail.
Ingrid taking Pictures of Cayuga, the highest fall, 94 feet.
Paddy and Ingrid.
Is it allowed to bring dogs with you on the plane? 3 months and soft as silk (Thai?)
Arvid waiting for us at Water Meet.
Emy on top right.
Emy and Arvid.
Burton and Paddy.
More falling water.
Burton painting.
Oh, a waterfall!
Emy, Arvid and Burton starting off at the trail.